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Interested in Learning Reiki?

If you would like to make changes in your life, or are looking for a powerful way of supporting yourself and others, and think that Reiki might be the way forward for you, I would be delighted to hear from you.   
Reiki Will Change Your Life 

Revealing Your Path & Purpose

One on One Teaching Available

- Reiki Level I & Reiki Level 2

Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience its most wonderful value. 

The benefits of Reiki can be all encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others, which by itself is deeply meaningful, but also bringing guidance for our lives. Its unlimited nature can create opportunities for continual growth, unfoldment and the awakening of our own boundless potential. The ever increasing joy, peace and abundance that await those who sincerely pursue the path of Reiki are not only a blessing to be enjoyed, but also contain the healing that the planet so dearly needs.

Usui Reiki Level 1


  • Reiki history, philosophy and ethics
  • The Five Reiki Precepts
  • The Chakra's and how they apply to Reiki
  • Techniques to increase the flow of Reiki, balance and ground, as well as clear mental and emotional imbalances; dynamic movement, breath, sound, mantra
  • Other Uses for Reiki (giving Reiki to food, situations, animals, plants, etc.)
  • 3 Reiki Initiations - Usui Attunements
    Attunements to re-awaken your innate self healing ability. These 3 attunements are unique to what is traditionally taught in the west.  Each attunement is approximately 30 minutes in length,.  The energy you experience will amplify your intuitive and healing capabilities to new levels.
  • Meditation and breath work to enhance and increase the flow or Reiki, while promoting healing of the mind, body and spirit.
  • Learn hand positions for daily self healing practice
  • Explore the energetic system: 7 main chakras, (what they relate to, corresponding emotions & how we can use them to get to know ourselves more
  • Bringing Reiki into all areas of your life; 21 day cleansing process (self healing)

Usui Reiki Level 2


  • Review of personal Reiki practice and level one material
  • Learn the Reiki Level 2 Symbols 
  • Discover the traditional and modern meanings and uses for the symbols 
  • Learn how to perform Reiki at a distance so you can do distant healing on individuals, situations, etc. 
  • Learn how to create a Reiki box for infusing positive energies and composure into all aspects of life
  • 3 Reiki Initiations -  Usui Attunements
    As with Level I, these attunements are unique to what is traditionally taught in the west. You will receive 3 attunements (one for each symbol).  These attunements will further enhance your psychic and intuitive sensory, as well as deepening your healing capabilities and your connection to your true self. 
  • Learn the hand positions for giving Reiki to others.
  • Practice giving a full Reiki session using each of the symbols and other techniques to assist with energy clearing and deeper states of healing.
  • Practice self treatments using the knowledge of the symbols and begin to see the flexibility of your practice.
  • Learn techniques for accessing higher realms of consciousness, clearing of past trauma that may be holding you back, 
  • CERTiIFCATE Upon Completion -  Students may now practice professionally. 

My intention for teaching Reiki is to empower students with its incredible healing benefits and wisdom.

Not only to share and use with others, but so they too can incorporate it into their own healing and self care practices.

The inspiration behind the way I design and teach my Reiki classes is the profound sense of support and healing that Reiki has facilitated in my own journey. As my relationship with Reiki developed and evolved over time, it became not only an integral part of my own self care, but also in addressing and healing old wounds and belief systems. 

My preference for 'One on One' teaching allows for a deeper connection with each students individual needs and preferences, encouraging a more active and collaborative role in their learning. The container created allows for one to be more open and vulnerable with their sharing. There is also more flexibility to integrate other areas of interest, and to inquire through natural communication; something that may not always be available within group settings.   The sense of empowerment and confidence that is displayed through this learning style is invaluable. 

The beauty of reiki is that it doesn’t matter what your background is or how old you are, Reiki will enrich you, your workplace, your family and all your interactions.

Remember, reiki is not just for people who want to become healers – it’s for everyone.

I believe that reiki comes into our life at exactly the right moment when you need it and when you are ready to receive the teachings. I have seen many students say ‘I wish I had found it earlier’ but when I ask them ‘would you have been open to it or would it have resonated with you back then?’ Most laugh and reply ‘probably not’. Reiki (or the desire to learn reiki) always lands on our door at the right moment.

We can trust that you and reiki found each other at exactly the right moment. So if you are reading this – maybe this is that moment!

Once you learn reiki you have the ability to ‘lay your hands’ on yourself whenever you feel out of balance. Self reiki is one of the most important activities you can do that will help you to support yourself. It gives you the opportunity to listen to your heart, inner dialogue and hear that still quiet voice within. Like any area of life (personal or professional), it is only through practice and experience that one goes deeper into their relationship with reiki and where the wisdom of reiki unfolds within us.

In Usui’s day, the Japanese word Reiki meant soul energy. This soul or rather the soul energy is being re-activated during a reiki attunement and the one being attuned to Reiki remembers his original natures, his essential being. ~ Argave Petter

As your relationship with reiki grows, it will go from being a concept and a thing you ‘do’,  to 'becoming you", as you move from ‘doing’ to ‘being’ and from ‘doing’ to accepting and trusting. When you learn reiki it is the start of a beautiful relationship – a relationship that will only ever guide you, support you and continue to go deeper.

There are numerous benefits to learning Reiki and although reiki helps to produce physical, mental and emotional healing, for me the greatest gift that reiki offers us is to helps us to unveil our true self – the part of us that doesn’t compare itself to others, that accepts us exactly as we are (light & shadow), that knows we are always doing our best, that helps us lift the veils so we can be more of who we truly are, the part of us that loves ourselves, warts and all!

Anyone can learn reiki

Yes, that right, anyone can learn.  Reiki courses can be attended by individuals from all walks of life and from any spiritual path.  One does not heed to have any experience in holistic health or energy work. Reiki is one of the most empowering things you’ll ever learn for yourself. You’ll always have something on hand to support you through life. Calm your mind, nourish your body and uplift your spirit.I As a teacher, I love seeing people from all walks of life practice Reiki and I love how easy it is to integrate it into our day to day lives. So you don’t just practice reiki when you are sick / stressed, you practice it when you are in fly form too as things can only get better!

Increases Self-Love & Confidence

Learning Reiki is a journey of self-empowerment. Throughout your reiki journey you are learning how take total responsibility for all areas of your life, your thoughts, feelings, body and relationships and as a result confidence and self-love naturally increases.

You learn the art of self-healing, which amplifies body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Reiki is a natural pain reliever as it helps to bring the body back into harmony and balance. Your Self-healing allows you to connect to your body and listen to its wisdom. You connect to your inner guidance, allowing you to let go of things that no longer serve you and move forward with ease. Reiki is simple and powerful – where you feel pain or discomfort you place your hands on that area and let reiki flow. You’ll be amazed at the feeling and result.

Greater clarity, creativity & sense of purpose

Often people will be drawn to learn Reiki while they are in a stage of transition in their lives. It is common during and after the training to have moments of clarity around what they need to support themselves during these period of change.

Be more of who you truly are

This quote by Danielle LaPorte sums it up ‘Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be’.

Reiki helps us to open us more and more to our true nature. I’ve seen this in reiki students who continue their self practice, as they peel away the layers of beliefs, patterns and habits they have accumulated along the way – they always say they ‘feel more like themselves’ which is such a gift to witness.

Decreases Anxiety & Worry, Enhances Inner Peace and Calm

Your self-healing (reiki self practice) helps to connect you to your true nature. As a result you worry less and become more present. As Frank Argave Petter says ‘In Usui’s day, the Japanese word Reiki meant Soul energy. This Soul or rather the Soul energy is being reactivated during a reiki attunement, and the one being attuned to Reiki remembers his original nature, his essential being’.

Become more grounded and balanced

One of the most common things all students report is that they feel so much more grounded and balanced mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Reiki allows you to become more connected to your own physical being which allows you to become much more aware of how you can manage your day-to-day energy. A student once said ‘she had found her feet’ through her self treatments!

Less Fear, More Courage

Learning Reiki allows you to recognize fear for what it is, listen to it’s wisdom and move through it into the unknown with ease, confidence and strength. We begin to see that our bodies are constantly talking to us, just like our emotions so rather than pushing them down or avoiding them, we meet them as if meeting a friend for the first time – with curiosity and compassion, to see what medicine they hold.

Stronger intuition & trust for self and the universe

Everyone is intuitive; it is a muscle that most of us haven’t worked out enough! Your Reiki journey can help you reclaim these innate gifts. Reiki helps you to return to wholeness. You learn to trust yourself and the little nudges that your intuition provides for the next step. You invite in stillness as you know it’s only in the pauses that you can truly hear your inner wisdom and guidance. You learn to experience the difference between your heart and mind ‘voice’.

More compassion, gratitude and appreciation for life, self and others

Reiki opens up the Heart Chakra. You learn to balance the mind and your heart so they become more in harmony with each other. You discover how everyone and everything in your life has served your growth, which results in deep feelings of appreciation and gratitude for life.

What is A Reiki Attunement

A Reiki attunement is a wonderful gift to receive.

Whether you plan to learn reiki for your own personal development or to become a practitioner you will find that reiki will become an intricate part of your life.

Each reiki course will also be a personal journey for you as you learn to open your mind, be curious and allow the reiki energy to fully enter into your life. Reiki can be an amazing tool for spiritual transformation within the context of one’s beliefs whatever they may be.

Not only is reiki for healing the mind, body and spirit, it can become a way of life as you learn how to bring it into your daily life – doing this, one becomes a life-long student of reiki.

Why learn reiki

You will usually see reiki associated with attunements, initiations or reju which are used interchangeably. The basis of the attunement is that they are sacred ceremonies as they ‘initiate’ the person into a new (beginning) life with reiki. If you take the word ‘attune’ which means to bring into harmony with, a reiki attunement invites you to come more into harmony with yourself, your true nature.

You are Reiki (universal life force energy) already.

You have just forgotten how to consciously work with it, that is all. Everybody is universal energy, it is only the realisation of this that is lacking. The system of Reiki was developed to support you in evolving your skills of working with Reiki.

The attunement is offered so that you can have an initial experience of your own spiritual nature/energy (Reiki).

You then learn various tools — like the precepts, mantras, symbols, hands-on healing, and meditation — to deepen your experience of your true nature. Since you had an initial experience during reiju, you know what to look for and how it feels e.g. peace, stillness, silence, quietness, joy etc.

There are three formal levels of initiation and each reiki attunement opens up the participant to higher levels of healing and understanding Universal Spirituality. The reiki attunement is almost always a special spiritual experience for the participant. The attunement is like planting the seed and your daily self practice is the water that feeds the seed so you can blossom and grow.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. 

Your daily self practice helps you to integrate the healing from the attunement and course.

It’s a beautiful process of getting to know yourself in a new way.

Interested in Learning Reiki?

If you would like to make changes in your life, or are looking for a powerful way of supporting yourself and others, and think that Reiki might be the way forward for you, I would be delighted to hear from you.

One on One Teaching  -   Reiki Level I    Reiki Level 2

Student Testimonials

'' I haven't felt this great ever in my life. I am coming closer and closer to my souls purpose. '' - Carmen S


"Tracey is amazing! I went to her for Reiki with an open mind and no real expectations, and my healing has been quite profound. Tracey has a wonderful energy and ability to heal, which I've felt strongly during each of. our sessions.  She is very knowledgable and caring. I highly recommend her for both energy healing and reiki training. " - Julie D


"Tracey is an amazing healer, teacher and mentor.
Her story is truly inspiring and translates into her teaching style with thorough explanations and caring approach!
I would recommend her to anyone who needs a reiki treatment or would love to learn from the best!"  - Charlene Sieben

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